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Up-level your business with impactful marketing that puts you in complete control of your growth (and profit!) in just 8 weeks

JOIN THE WAITLIST! (early enrollment begins soon!)
Hey there studio owner,

You've invested a ton of time and energy to become the teacher you are today

And, what you do changes lives - your clients are stronger, happier and healthier!

... but you're tired (so tired) of spinning your wheels... not sure where your next client will come from

... and you're ready to get off the "feast or famine" treadmill where you have some good months, and some less than good and instead create a profitable & sustainable business.


I see you.

You've figured out how to get this far with a lot of hard work.

What keeps you going is the joy you get from teaching and seeing your clients get stronger and healthier week after week

You are more than capable of building the business you want.

There's just one piece of the puzzle that's missing: 

→A powerful (yet simple) marketing strategy 


YOU don't need to change

But, you do need to change the way you talk about your business  

Here's why:

When people hear Pilates, yoga, barre, spin or HIIT, they immediately think of their last experience with that method.


(What they've heard from a friend, seen on Instagram or - worse - what they experienced years ago elsewhere).


And... that experience is different to what happens at your studio. 

Yet, they are relying on that to decide whether or not to become your client.


  (I know - crazy right?!)

So, it's no surprise to hear that you're probably losing clients every single day because of this.


What you say in your marketing matters  


Being able to clearly articulate what you really do ... that's what will bring you more clients.

And, I get it - no one ever taught you how to market yourself or your studio.


It's time for that to change.

{TRUTH: it's not just about the teaching}

Impactful & effective marketing is critical to building and growing your studio business

What if...

you could have a unique and compelling marketing message alongside a repeatable system for getting and retaining clients for years to come.

(In just 8 weeks)


Imagine how that will feel




Even if you have new clients enquiring regularly, once you have a strategy and systems in place you can dial up or down your marketing and bring new clients into your business whenever you want.




Getting strategic about your business puts you in complete control. You'll no longer have to rely purely on hope to get new clients. Instead you'll bring in sustainable revenue that will give you the freedom you've been looking for




Your current clients are your lifeline. So when they walk out the door and don't come back, it hits your profit immediately. You need strategies to effectively retain your clients (and win-back old clients) and ensure they stick around year after year




What clients are willing to pay is down to how they perceive the value you offer. Here's the secret - you DRIVE that value with the way you talk about what you do. This is all about results-driven marketing messaging - and it's a profitability game changer.




Systems are designed to operate with minimal input. Find out where the gaps are and you can win back that time and spend it working out, with your favorite people or reading that book that's been collecting dust on the nightstand!



to get early access, discounts and exclusive resources!


It helped me to re-think why I love teaching, why I started my own business and who my ideal client is!

I know now where to start and what comes next. I am totally motivated to tackle the marketing and have more time to concentrate on my love of teaching pilates with a clear mind! Thank you Seran, your strategies are so valuable. As you say - there is not one way, but you help us find our way - and it feels just right!

- Theres, Pilates Studio Owner, Austria


An 8 week step-by-step online program with live weekly Q&A, resources, templates and answers to all your marketing questions

Build a stable & profitable studio business that is 100% aligned with your core values


Stop spinning your wheels in marketing mud. Access the knowledge and strategies you need to get the business you want



✓ Instead of struggling to become known, you'll discover how to share your expertise and knowledge to get more clients in the door and onto the mat

✓ Instead of getting deal-seekers who aren’t ready to buy, you'll attract clients who want to book ahead and show up excited for class

✓ Instead of trying to convince people who aren't really interested, you'll develop long-lasting relationships with clients who recommend you to all their friends!

THANK YOU for all that you bring and all that I’ve learned from your incredible program,

I now have all the tools in my toolbox to move forward with implementing changes in each facet of my business. This program has a unique way of pulling out what you already know but might not have put into words before. Yes!!!🤩🥳❤️

- Stephanie, Studio Owner, PA

"We both know you make a big impact with the work you do...

Here inside the marketing intensive you get the step by step tools, resources and framework to shift your marketing from sounding just like everyone else’s, to finding the language to share your unique message so that you can attract the clients you want and need and finally grow your business"



to get early access to the program, discounts and exclusive resources!




via 6 value-packed online training modules showing you exactly how to create and implement a wildly successful marketing strategy that is aligned with your brand


Join Seran and your fellow members LIVE each week where you can get all your questions answered and can move forward with clarity and confidence (with access to the recordings if you can't make it live) ($1500 value).


that capture all your ideas and insight as you progress through the program and become your go-to content library that supercharges your learning and implementation of all the strategies I share with you ($350 value)


showing you exactly how and when to communicate with your clients and community that FEELS good to you AND drives revenue


#1 Stand Out with Your Signature Offering

#2 Training your team on your brand values

#3 The Numbers You Need To Know To Measure Your Marketing Success


Including checklists, action plans, graphics and marketing templates ($950 value) that will guide you from marketing mayhem to marketing maven!

As well as scripts and swipe files you can use immediately in your business to propel your marketing campaigns ($750)

(A $7,600 Value)


"I was feeling pretty lost in my marketing and branding pursuits - I'm a Pilates teacher! I've been teaching for over 20 years, teaching I know. Marketing - not so much. Since working with Seran I have attracted new clients and nurtured and retained the ones already had - it's transformed my business"

Molly Niles-Renshaw, Phoenix Classical Pilates

You'll work through 1 module per week

So that you have time to dive into the lessons and crafting your marketing strategy alongside our weekly live calls

I do this to protect your time, attention and focus while sparing you from the intense overwhelm that often stops would-be marketing-mavens in their tracks.

And join our live Q&A sessions 

Where I guide you forward with industry specific insight on what works and what doesn't, answer your questions and give feedback on your work so far.

Because I know how helpful a fresh set of eyes can be on your business.


Calls take place once a week!

Inside the Marketing Intensive Week-by-Week:

Week 1

Define Your Brand

✦ A deep dive into your brand and what you do that makes you unique

✦ Discover how to stand apart from the competition and be memorable  

** this is the foundation for all our work ahead**


"My biggest take away is that I need to create consistency in my messaging - both to clients, in my marketing, and with my staff. I have ideas, and this module is helping me to focus them in the right direction"

- Dena, Pilates Studio Owner CA

Week 2

The Value Framework

✦ The major mindset shift that has to happen before you can be successful at marketing

✦ What your marketing messaging should say to get more clients

✦ Clarity about your niche, your offers and how to get your clients to understand how you can help them

"Now I know that I have to get more intentional about conveying value, in a step by step clear fashion and also that it needs to be clearly attached to their commitment"

- Laurie, Pilates Teacher and Studio Owner

Week 3

Magnetize Your Marketing and Attract Your Ideal Client

 ✦ How to identify your perfect client and create a strong connection to them through your messaging 

✦ What to say to your clients so that they say YES to your studio

✦ How to share your expertise in a way that builds credibility and trust every single day

"I get it now - I have to get very clear on who I'm talking to and tailoring my message for that one client"

- Natalie, Fitness Studio Owner, NV

Week 4

Implementation Week!

Yes - the deep work is done! Now you're ready for tactics and strategies that'll support your marketing for years to come!

This week you get the chance to catch up on your work and process all that you've learned so far before we dive into the second part of the program and focus on marketing and visibility strategies!

Week 5

Pricing, Packages and Positioning

✦ Develop profitable pricing packages that work for your business AND your clients 

✦ Find out what pricing mistakes you can easily avoid that are costing your business real revenue

✦ Learn exactly how to introduce pricing to your clients so that they say yes every time

"I'm simplifying my pricing and planning out my client experience - especially for new clients! It's a game-changer"

Week 6

The Complete Marketing Blueprint

✦ Develop an impactful marketing strategy that will work for your studio business (step-by-step)

✦ Learn exactly how to nurture a newbie with an amazing experience and turn them into a raving fan

✦ Craft a results driven action plan to attract and retain clients (year after year)


"Now I know how to plan my marketing, creating different types of content, scheduling to save time and so much more!"

Maja, Virtual Pilates Studio Owner, Canada

Week 7

Amplify Your Visibility & Marketing

✦ How to create content that converts those who are "just looking" into newbie clients

✦ Step-by-step how to map out your marketing calendar and remove the "what shall I say" paralysis

✦ A content strategy that will help you grow your audience, build trust and establish you as the expert.

"It's not as difficult as I have made it out to be. Just get started and make it happen following these steps you gave me in this module!"

Caitlin, Studio Owner, CA

Week 8

Review & Next Steps!

It's time to pop the champagne! You've learned so much over the past 8 weeks. We wrap up the program with a call where I'll set you up with your next steps and focus so you have 100% confidence in your marketing and your ability to drive growth in your studio!


weekly group strategy calls throughout the program with Seran to work on strategies and tactics that will work for your studio business

Plus BONUS Trainings:


✓ How To Distinguish Your Studio with Your Signature Offering

✓ Training Your Team On Your Brand Values

✓ The Numbers You Need To Know To Measure Your Marketing Success


And even more resources when you join: 

✓ Brand Package that you can share with your team 

✓ Scripts and phrases that create successful sales

✓ My Intro Offer Formula that creates and easy YES

✓ How To Build A Successful Referral Program (without paying for leads)

✓ Visibility Plan: What You Can Do To Create Awareness For Your Studio Business

✓ Scripts and templates for phone and email interactions that guide your clients forward

✓ Marketing Content Planner so you can put your marketing on autopilot!

...And so much more!


(get early notification of next enrollment and exclusive bonuses - space is limited)


The Marketing intensive  is PERFECT for you if:

  1. You have your own studio or online teaching business and you want to increase revenue

  2. You want practical strategies for attracting clients so you can fill the schedule and stop stressing about where the next new client will come from

  3. You’ve honed your teaching skills to the max and you’re ready to create systems that makeyour business more efficient and sustainable

  4. You want more visibility and you’re ready to step up your marketing game in a way that leads to more sales and more opportunities for revenue growth

  5. You’re ready to take action and shift your mindset to a place of growth and long-term success

If you said yes to at least 3 of the above then it's a match!

"Wherever you are in your business, this program is so impactful!

No more sifting through business coaching advice wondering if it's right for you. Seran truly understands the boutique fitness industry and knows exactly what it's like to be a Pilates business owner (and mother!). So helpful to have a guide through everything that's left out of our certification and continuing ed programs!"

- Annie - Pilates & Barre Studio Owner


I cannot wait to lead you over the next 8 weeks!

This program is the process I've been using 1:1 with my private clients for over 8 years to help them fill in the gaps in their marketing and help them build strong, sustainable and profitable businesses year after year.


This is the most comprehensive marketing program available in our industry and I'm offering to you now for this 1 reason: I'm tired of seeing you struggle through your marketing.


If you are an expert in what you do, yet your business isn't flourishing, you owe it to yourself to get access to the tools, guidance and resources you need to make a change.


This is the missing link that will help you build the business you want.

I cannot recommend the Marketing Intensive enough!

"The Marketing Intensive has helped me to become more organized in my marketing. With the help of Seran and this program, I know where to put my focus and how I can market to the right people that I want in my business and that need what I do - no more time-wasters! Thank you and I cannot recommend the Marketing Intensive enough"

Melissa, Move ME Pilates & Barre

Here's what I wish every studio owner knew:

There are a ton of different marketing tactics out there that *could* work to get your studio more clients.


(Just google and see)


But, let's face it, you don't have time to waste on tactics that don't work.


You need results orientated strategies and industry specific guidance that you can call on again and again as you grow.


And you need it NOW.


You'll find all of this (and more) inside the Marketing Intensive Program.

The Marketing Intensive has made a huge impact on the way I communicate with clients and potential clients.

It has shined a spotlight on the opportunities in my business in the most encouraging and positive ways and is guiding me in a focused yet productive direction. This program creates space that allows me to be creative and flourish yet work with laser focus. That is why Seran is, and will always be, my North Star!

- Carrie Russo, Studio Owner, CA


Get access to exclusive bonuses when you join!