How To Promote and Price Your Boutique Fitness (Pilates/Barre/fitness) Classes

article Jun 17, 2022


A topic that all studio owners grapple with at various stages of their business is how to price and package their services. There are tons of different methods and theories out there that will recommend anything from undercutting your competition to working backwards from your required revenue targets. While there are pros and cons to every approach, most of the time those recommended processes are missing a majorly important part of the equation:


Your promise.


If you really want to get your pricing right, you have to build your packages and price points in such a way that they are aligned with the results you promise to deliver to your clients. It’s not about what the studio down the street offers or what your studio needs to produce in revenue, although those factors certainly come into play when analyzing your pricing structure. But to begin, you have to clearly define your brand promise and work from there.



When we talk about your brand promise, we are talking about all the things that your clients get from moving with you that they cannot get from any other studio or any other teacher, anywhere. These are the values and benefits that your clients can achieve when they come to sessions with you. 


These values and benefits often go well beyond the physical and they are transformational in nature. They are outcomes that your clients will get on a physical, emotional, and psychological level. To get clear of that promise, you can answer questions like:


  • What are the physical, emotional, mindset shifts your clients can expect when they work with you?
  • What changes do you see in your clients that they may not see themselves?
  • How do your services impact your clients’ everyday lives?

Getting really clear on your brand promise is just the first step, though. As the expert, you know that your clients need a plan that they execute regularly in order to achieve those results. You have to make a plan that will get your clients to those promised outcomes.



As a teacher and studio owner you have worked with countless clients in helping them achieve their goals. You are a guide who knows what it will take to get them from point A to point B. You know what they need to do. You have a plan in mind for them. Now you have to get that plan out of your head and into practice. This plan must be created, considered, and made explicit to your clients at every step along the way. 


Let’s say your brand promise reads something like this: I promise to deliver rigorous, sweat-inducing sessions to my clients so that they can feel strong and confident in their bodies. 


How will they get there? Will coming to one class a week deliver that outcome to your clients? Or would they need to come twice or three times per week? Whatever the frequency or commitment is, this is the plan you know will get your clients the outcomes you are promising. And your pricing should be built in alignment with that plan. 



It is quite common to see boutique fitness studios offer single sessions and then a package or two consisting of 5 or 10 or even 20 classes. This is simple, to be sure, but it isn’t necessarily aligned with your promise or your plan.


For example, if you sell your clients a 10 pack of sessions that have no expiration date, chances are many of those clients will simply come to the studio once a week. You have given them an opt-out. You have given them a way to attend classes according to their own plan, not the one you know will get them the results you promise.


If you know that your clients need to come to at least two classes per week to see the transformation you know they can achieve, then your packages should reflect that recommendation. Instead of a 10 pack with no expiration date you could offer an 8 pack that must be used within 4 weeks or a monthly membership that includes 2 sessions per week.


You can still offer 10 packs or single sessions. But the pricing for the plan that you really want your clients to buy into should be the most desirable for them. The price per session should be the most cost effective for your clients so that they are incentivized to make that choice. 


Remember, you are the expert. Your clients are looking for you to guide them. Build your pricing around the plan you know will get the results that you promise and you will be pleasantly surprised by how many clients follow your lead.



So, there you have it…pricing your services needs to take into account your brand promise AND the plan you know your clients need to follow to achieve that promised result. 


Listen. I get it. You’ve been through extensive teacher training and you know everything there is to know about the movement method you use in your studio. But chances are, no one ever taught you how to market your business.


It’s time for that to change. Join me and other studio owners just like you in my Marketing Intensive program and discover how to up-level your business with marketing that puts you in complete control of your growth (and profit!) in just 8 weeks. 


To learn more, visit





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